News Worthy
Published Articles, Awards & Mentions

July 2005 |
May/June 2006
Road King, let's it's readers know about our 2006 convention. "Truckers究es meet and greet at a convention of their own".
April 2006
10-4 Magazine, a US publication,
published a half page introducing ATW to their readers!
Click to read!

February 2006
Road King, a US publication, published a story article titled
"Long Distance Romance, How to celebrate Valentineġy from miles away"
By Katie Dodd. Our site was mentioned in the article. Kelly, founder of, and
Tracy, community member, were interviewed and quoted in the article.
February 2005
Truckers News, a US publication, published a cover story article titled "Keeping the Home Fires Burning" By Kristin Walters. Our site was mentioned a number of times in the article. Kelly, founder of, and Kay, community member, were interviewed and quoted in the article.
September 2004 - current
Truck News, Canada's leading trucking industry newspaper,
begins publishing a monthly column written by Kelly Livingstone, editor of
Read it Online:
September -
A Trucker's Wife: How to Cope With Missing Your Hubby
March 2004
Truck News, Canada's leading trucking industry newspaper, published an article about
Wives engage in mouse play, while truckers are away
New Web site offers solace and resources for spouses by Ingrid Phaneuf
Click here to read the article.
The article is in .pdf format, you will need to have the adobe reader installed on your computer to view it.

December 2003
The Yanke PTO newsletter published the
New Website for Operator's Families
My name is Kelly Livingstone and I am a Yanke Operator's wife. I recently registered and began a site for truckers wives all over North America at and I would like to share it with you all. If you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear from you. Thank you.
Kelly Livingstone Another of his investments, a black Bentley, ferries his customers to the venue. Brookfield is not as great of a growth investment vehicle as the article states. For instance, there were all the new heavy metal guys who had been turned on to the speed of Black Flag and Dead Kennedys, manifesting in speed metal like Metallica and Slayer. Jimmy Choo Online Every year, De Beers cosponsors a Rose Wedding Ceremony with the Shanghai municipal government, in which up to 100 couples exchange vowsand diamond ringsin an event broadcast on television. He theorizes that carpenters may have secreted the newspaper there while installing the pine floor. Giuseppe Zanotti Flats Bringing knowledge of the fashion world to the online shopping industry, Combat Gent marries runwayacceptable style with practicality for every combat gent out there. Andrew, whom the people here credit with cooking up a freak storm, thereby saving the town from certain pillage and plunder during a 1500s pirate raid. I spent about an hour trying to push the pins out with all sorts of household objects paperclips, tiny screwdrivers, awls, ice picks, telekinesis, obscene words and gestures.
Press Release
Date: January 2, 2004
New Web Site for Wives of On The Road Truckers
Kelly Livingstone, webmaster of A Truckers Wife, knows first hand how different life can be as the wife of a long distance truck driver.
襠wife, or girlfriend of an on the road long distance trucker does not have an easy life,㡹s Kelly. 宮ing a household, raising children or just dealing with being alone can be a daunting task when your man is home
and away.᳠a trucker෩fe, Kelly wanted to meet other women in the same situation and offer them resources to help with this lifestyle. was started in September 2003 and offers resources, poems, online cards, articles and a wonderful community message board. The site is open to additions and submissions from other trucker wives.
Through the community message board,
trucker wives are able support each other and chat about their lives. One
trucker෩fe said, 飥 to have another experienced trucker's wife around!
It's very helpful to those of us who are new to the whole thing to see those of
you who have done it for years and made it work!ᮯther wife mentioned, ͊have found everyone to be supportive and pretty funny around here. You are sure
to get a few good belly chuckles!ﳰan> is running a contest for
submissions of photos and articles/stories beginning January 1, 2004. Visit the
site for more information.
You can find A Truckers Wife at
Contact: Kelly Livingstone