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Trucker Accolades

We would like to offer this space for tributes for our truckers.
Please use the file upload contact form to submit your tribute (and photo if you like).
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Tribute to my husband
I have been married to my trucker for 9 months now but lived with him for 3 years. I would never change a thing because he has touched some many lives while being on the road. He has a big heart. Whenever someone comes up to him and asks for money for food he says I won't give you money but I will take you in and buy you a meal. He once gave a homeless man who was wearing very tattered clothes a pair of his shorts, t-shirt and a pair of socks and then bought him a meal. Not to many people would do that. He is the love of my life and I am honored to be his truckers wife.
Christina, Tom's wife
September 4, 2006


I have been married to a trucker for three years and yes, he does a great job. If it were not for our truckers then we wouldn't have anything or be where we are today.
August 22, 2006

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Jennifer, Gary's girl, writes in her blog entry...

  National Truck Driver Appreciation Week 2005 (August 21-27) is when America's 3.24 million drivers are in for a nationwide pat on the back, recognizing their hard work moving the goods and products making up our national economy.
  My boyfriend is a truck driver and I am more than proud of him for all the hard work that he puts forth. I respect these men that give up so much to be out on the road hauling loads for America. I know what other women that I talk to give up to support their men while they are out there delivering goods to businesses. Distance and loneliness follow the trucker and their families.
  If you are a trucking family and are in need of the support I recommend a site called A Trucker's Wife, it is an online community for wives of truckers. Please take time to visit their site.
  Also, President Bush wrote a letter to the truck drivers of America, please find it below:

  I send greetings to those celebrating National Truck Driver's Appreciation Week.
  Across America, professional truck drivers keep our country moving and support our citizens as they conduct business. Our nation relies on men and women of our transporation industry to sustain critical networks of commerce and advance our economy. Our transportation system also is vital to our national security. My administration has taken important steps to protect our Nation's bridges, tunnels, and highways to keep our citizens safe and our economy running smoothly.
  I applaud professional truck drivers and their motor carrier employers for your hard work and dedication to promoting high standards of safety. Your commitment to excellence increases efficiency and production across our Nation and advances America prosperity. Your efforts also reflect the values that make our country strong.
  Laura and I send our best wishes.

  Kudos off to President Bush for honoring our truck drivers! I honor my boyfriend and publicly state that I am proud of him and that I love him more than life itself. He gives up quite a lot being out on the road, as does the million other truck drivers in America and abroad. My hats go off to you all and I salute you each with a rose @)---`---,-----

Missing Him in Kentucky
August 24, 2005

Diane, David's fianc鬠writes to ATruckersWife...

  I love your site and noticed "Trucker Appreciation Week." I couldn't help but mention a very special trucker and fianc鬠David Prasse from Freeport, IL.
  David worked on the family dairy farm for 30 years, milking cows. Unfortunately the big farms generated more income. So at age 41, he decided to close the farm and sell the cows.
  He also divorced his wife of 20 years. It was one of the hardest things he ever had to do because of his three girls involved.
  David looked into milking for the corporate farms and other occupations. He decided instead to become a trucker. With cash and a bank loan we purchased a F350 diesel dually to haul campers and trailers. David's motto is to "become an expert." Not only did he take the required classes for Horizon Transport (the company he works for), he subscribed to magazines and read everything he could on trucking. Last week, David won an award for 50,000 safety miles that he acquired since November 3, 2004.
  I have three boys and he would love to take us all trucking full time. This is not possible because of special needs requiring local therapies at school. So, instead, we all go trucking during summertime, long weekends, and holidays. David also takes his girls when their extracurricular schedules permit.
  He's truly an amazing man who already has a routine down pat and avoids fast food to save money. He'll get his food from a Super Walmart and grill it instead. When he comes home I do the filing and help him get back on the road again. We make a great team! Here's to Dave and all the other truckers out there!!!

Diane Bolles
Freeport, IL
August 24, 2005

More Poems, Odes and Tributes

Every Mile Traveled Brings You Closer To Home
Please remember I love you, And I'm with you in every place.
Trucker Accolades
Tributes to our Truckers
Living the Life of a Trucker's Wife
You lead a very different life
I'll be here waiting
With my arms open wide
Daddy's Lil' Girl
As a little girl my daddy would go
As I am
As I am running into his arms that are mine...
To Help make a difference in ones life today.
You Should Know
I know however you can't be here.
It's lonely out here -- we would rather be there.
A Trucker's Wife
Clothed with beauty, -- Girded with love,
My Family
Here are each of the poems I wrote about my kids & hubby...
A Trucker's Wife
Living life phone call to phone call.
Too Many Miles
But the miles between us are too many.
A Few More Hours
A few more hours is all I have with you
A Trucker's Last Letter
This is a letter that no man ever wants to write...
I'll be home soon pre trip is done and it's time to move on
He's Gone Again
I hold him close and breathe deeply
Trucker's Ode
Midnight rings for 3 AM...
Tribute to a Trucker's Wife
It takes a special woman to make a truck driver's wife.
Why Mothers are Loved
Wonder why women live longer...
Truckers Tribute
...nothing can stop them.
Truck Driver Blues
Not another soul in sight.

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